Project 2025: A Scary, But Possible Future for the United States Government

Story by Maestro Joyner. Photo by Charlie Neibergall.

In April 2022, the Presidential Transition Project, or Project 2025, was established. Project 2025 is a collection of four pillars that stem ideas from the Heritage Foundation, a 1973 non-profit policy institute filled with conservative ideals. Set to reshape the U.S. government, if a Republican wins the 2024 presidential election, Project 2025 hopes to rewrite economic and social policies that protect children, women, and many minorities. 

With the 2024 election approaching, there’s been a lot of tension about what will happen to the U.S. if these ideas are presented to government officials and are passed into law. People on social media have started to share their thoughts on what could happen to the economic, societal, and political environment of the United States. However, there are rising concerns that Republicans will take the win if citizens don’t vote for the Democrats.

Moreover, major social media accounts and news outlets have started to warn users in detail about Project 2025 and how Republicans are trying to put federal bureaucracy, independent agencies, and policies under their control.

Retraction of government funding for research, the replacement of anti-carbon production for the production of security and energy, a major withdrawal of abortion pills from store shelves, the banning of LGBTQIA+ and sex education within schools, defunding boards of education, and a web wide banning of pornography. This is a small glimpse of the changes Project 2025 wants to make in the United States.

Many Americans want to spread awareness of what could happen, and they encourage everyone to vote for the person on the ballot that fits the ideal of the America they want, while not endangering the country in the process. But as it stands now, U.S. citizens are divided on the outcome of the presidential election. To learn more about Project 2025, click here. To learn where to vote in your state, click here.

Maestro Joyner is a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.