Is the Croc Eating Its Babies?

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Story of my virtual adventure by Corde’ Shaw, FNN 6th Grade Reporter, Friendship Southeast Academy, photo by

JUL. 16, 2020: Did you know that crocodiles carry their babies to the water in their mouths? Well, that’s what I learned on this amazing trip to the Serengeti. I saw a crocodile lying in the grass waiting for her babies to hatch. For a second I thought she was going to eat them when they hatched because I wasn’t sure if they were her babies. Then I saw them hatch. My heart is racing at what felt like 1,000 beats per second. I closed my eyes as the crocodile approached the eggs and hatchlings. Seconds later I opened my eyes to see the croc being as gentle as a bird.

I was amazed to see such a strong and ferocious animal be so gentle and caring. Then I realized and thought to myself who wouldn’t be gentle and caring to their own children. I settled down as I watched the crocodile pick up its babies in it’s mouth and carry them to the water. Then my heart started pounding again as the croc came back. But she only came back for more hatchlings.

Overall this trip was fun and a learning experience for me, because I found out the crocodiles aren't what most people make them out to be. I would encourage others to go on this virtual trip because I want them to see the same that I saw so they can feel the same as I do.