I Met the Best Dancer on the Galapagos Islands!

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Story of my virtual adventure by Shyann Jackson, 5th-grade FNN reporter, 

Friendship Chamberlain Elementary.  Picture of The Blue Footed Booby from Google.

JUL 16, 2020: Yesterday I went to the Galapagos Islands to visit the best dancers ever. Blue-footed boobies. Blue-footed boobies are birds with bright blue feet and a funny waddle. They live in the Galapagos Islands with many animals, including different types of iguanas, tortoises, sea lions, great frigate birds, and more. 

I had to go behind a big rock to look at a group of them doing their mating dance. I had to be very quiet so I couldn’t scare or distract them. The Blue-Footed Boobies had a certain mating dance that the males did. First, it showed off its bright blue feet by stepping up and down for the ladies, then it bent it’s head down and gave the female a gift. After that, it flashed his feet again in the dance.  The female Blue Footed Booby liked him enough so she joined in the dance.

Oh! And I just remembered, I got to do a dance behind a male and a female came up to me.

So by now, I realize that Blue-Footed Boobies are a very unique and odd kind of bird.