Sharks Love to be Petted...Like Dogs!

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Story of my virtual adventure by Arianna Shaw, 5th grade FNN reporter, 

Friendship Southeast Middle School, Picture from Google.

JUL 16, 2020: Today, I did one of the scariest things OF MY LIFE! I petted A LIVE TIGER SHARK in the West Grand Bahamas! 

I was only down there for about two minutes but I was so scared. I thought the shark was going to bite me, but it didn’t. Not at all like the movies when they bite you. When I got out of the water I thought I’d never do that even in 100 years! This experience was exciting but scary at the same time! 

I would recommend the West Grand Bahamas, because I want other people to have this experience so they aren’t scared and so people won’t endanger the sharks because of their fins. Sharks are just scared of us as much as we are to them. If you go to the Bahamas you will get to experience the beauty of these beautiful sharks!

Oh, did I mention that my trip was virtual? You can check it out at