Jr. Knights Basketball Fans Still Hopeful

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Story by Yahdir Smith. Photo by Dominique Foster.

DEC. 12, 2019: After game two of the regular season, the FPCS Blow Pierce boys basketball team is 0-2, but that will change! The players on our roster are good, and with practice, can and will improve. The first teams we faced were KIPP DC and the Woodridge Eagles.

Our coach Mr. Craig is a very good coach. He tries to strategize so that our team wins. Luckily, this is only our second game so we have time and room to improve. I am looking forward to seeing our team compete in the championship and bring home the gold!

In 2017, our elementary boys basketball team made it all the way to the championship but was shy of the win. Three years later, I believe it is our time to shine again! Let’s go Jr. Knights!

Yahdir Smith and Dominique Foster are 5th grade scholars at Friendship Blow Pierce Academy.