The Nationals Make History for DC

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Story by Yahdir Smith and Amari Clarke. Picture from

Batter up!

DEC. 13, 2019: In the intense seventh game of the 2019 World Series, the Washington Nationals “finished the fight” against the Houston Astros The two teams went into this game with 3-3 records so, the winner of this final game determined who the World Series Champions would be.

The Astros took an early lead in the 2nd inning and doubled their lead by the 5th inning. At the top of the 7th inning, the Nationals shocked the world as they made a return and scored 3 homeruns now on top the Astros. By the end of the top 9th, the Nats led by 4 and took home the win for the 2019 World Series.

The Washington Nationals are a professional American baseball team from Washington, DC. The Washington Nationals came into existence as Washington’s 8th major league franchise in 2005. Although this team had a rough start, they have grown as a team. Most recently, the Washington Nationals advanced to the World Series and made history for their city!

This was an impressive win that made history for the Washington Nationals because this was their first win! Way to finish the fight! Go Nats!

Yahdir Smith and Amari Clarke are 5th and 4th grade scholars at Friendship Blow Pierce Academy.