Looking at Sea Animals in the Coral Sea

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Story by Victoria Ekanem, 5th grade FNN reporter, Friendship Blow Pierce Elementary. Photo from Google.

Today I went to the Coral Sea and I saw two animals. First I saw a seahorse. The seahorse was so cool! I think seahorses are cool because they can change their color to hunt prey and hide from predators. 

I wonder why they call a seahorse a seahorse. A seahorse doesn't look like a horse to me but I have heard from my teacher that seahorses have the face of a horse, the pouch of a kangaroo, the spine of a dragon, and the tail of a lizard. It makes me think that seahorses are made up of different animals. 

Another animal that is in the same family of seahorses is the pipefish. The pipefish is just like the seahorse but looks a little different and almost looks like a snake. A pipefish likes to hunt in packs. And I really like the idea of that and I think it's very interesting. That’s all the sea animals I saw on my deep-sea adventure, and I would like to recommend this to anyone who likes the ocean, water, and fish!