My Model United Nations Experience: Why You Should Join

Story by Tyese Williams. Photos by Tyese Wiliams, Aaron Grice, Mr. Kenneth Pierre, Caira Johnson, and Namir Lee. 

MARCH 10, 2017: On February 19, 2017, I took part in my last Model United Nations. Model U.N or NAIMUN (North American Invitational Model United Nations) is a student replication of the real United Nations as well as other international conferences and conventions that have taken place throughout history. There’s an interpretation of the Paris Climate Summit, the Berlin Conference, even the UN Security Council. This event is hosted by Georgetown University with a variety of high schools that come from all over the world to partake in this event, many of which are native to DC.

This was my second year as a member of FCA’s Model UN group. I found myself surrounded by kids from all over the world. There were people from India, China, the UK, and many more countries. I was part of a committee this year known as the Supreme Council of the Egyptian Armed Forces (SCAF), which tasked us to try to figure out the very real issue that Egypt is facing with their political transition.

Model U.N isn’t just about focusing on the issues of the world today, it’s also about building that relationship within our global community. Model U.N also hosts an event known as “Hilltop Madness” which is an ice cream social that features performances from Georgetown’s different dance teams.

On the second night, there’s a full on dance that I found to be the most enjoyable part of the trip outside of the actual committees. All of this culminates as part of the essence of the Model U.N., which is that community you build while there. I noticed that although there are students who come there to compete and kinda ruin the fun aspect of it, at the end of everything you’ll still end up being friends with some of them. I mean even they realize that trying to compete all the time isn’t really the point of NAIMUN.

Mr. Pierre the head organizer for FCA’s Model U.N., will even tell you that it’s about the experience not the awards, which is what people tend to forget sometimes. But, nonetheless the event is enjoyable. I encourage all of those eligible to take part in it. If you’re interested and your school doesn’t have it, I’d recommend that you try to get it at your school. It’s worth it, trust me.

Tyese Williams a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.