Posts tagged Tyese Williams
America’s Militias: Patriots or Terrorists?

In America, today fear, anger, and gun culture have mixed into a dangerous combination. This has led to the rise of more militia groups in the U.S who claim they want to “defend the homeland” from terrorists. These militias are mainly made up of former veterans from both Vietnam and Afghanistan, as well as civilian recruits who feel betrayed by the government. Recruits cite issues like the Flint Water Crisis as a reason that they feel the government doesn’t work.

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The Women’s March 2017: Our Hope To Defeat Trump’s America

On January 21, 2017, I went to the Women’s March on Washington DC and I can truly say that women are, and always will be the future. As I caught the Green Line train from Southern Ave to L'Enfant Plaza, I found myself caught up in a flood of people. The diversity of this march is a clear example of how people from all walks of life with common goals will unite to support each other.

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