The Women’s March 2017: Our Hope To Defeat Trump’s America

Story and photos by Tyese Williams.

JAN. 23, 2017: On January 21, 2017, I went to the Women’s March on Washington DC and I can truly say that women are, and always will be the future. As I caught the Green Line train from Southern Ave to L'Enfant Plaza, I found myself caught up in a flood of people. The diversity of this march is a clear example of how people from all walks of life with common goals will unite to support each other. There were women, men, black people, white people, Latinos, Native Americans, Christians, Muslims, LGBTQ folks, and many many more. I remember walking through the crowd and being told, “Thank you for coming”, or “We appreciate you being here”. They said this to let me know that the very essence of activism lies within the next generation to carry on the movement. And I’m proud to say that I’m a part of that.

Many celebrities turned out to voice their views and share in the community that this march provided. Among them, America Ferrera, Janelle Monae, Bernie Sanders and Gloria Steinem provided thoughts and views on the future of not just women, but all disenfranchised groups in the United States. The People chanted and stood side by side to let the bigots know that we will not go away quietly and that we’ll defend our inalienable rights.

The march was inspired by a particular person whose name was constantly called out—none other than

Donald Trump. Everyone made it clear that they will not support Trump nor will they back down from his disillusioned presidency. The struggle is a united one and Trump will not be an obstacle to anyone in the future.

The march wasn’t only isolated to DC, it was everywhere. From New York to LA, from DC to Berlin, there was some sort of demonstration. The scale of this movement in itself shows us that people are sick and tired of the establishment that’s holding progress back in today’s world. The march not only touched on the topic of women’s rights, but also supported BlackLivesMatter, rights of indigenous people, protection from persecution for the Muslim community, and the protection of the environment.

The Women’s March has given me hope for our future and hope for a path where we’ll be able to take down the elitists who trample over our rights on a daily basis. No matter our party or position, we will win, because we are one voice with the same goals. The future lies with the success of women in our society. So to anyone who has lost their faith because of the past election, just get out there, make your voice heard and don’t stop.

Tyese Williams is a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.