National Robotics Week at the Air and Space Museum

Story by D’Angelo Parker and Nija Lemons, FNN Chamberlain Bureau. Photos by Sincere Bolden and Ania Thomas.

April, 23, 2015: On Friday April 4, the Air and Space Museum started its National Robotics Week event. National Robotics Week is April 4-12. You need to check this event out. It has happened the last few years at the Air and Space Museum and is worth the trip. The event was packed and the Chamberlain Robotics Team joined hundreds of people standing under umbrellas as early as 45 minutes before the Robotics Week event officially started. Did you know in 2010 the House of Representatives established National Robotics Week?

Chamberlain robotics students did a demonstration on building and programming robots with Ms. Pittman’s class to celebrate and honor National Robotics Week. The third graders asked the Robotics Team questions about building and programming and tried to build Ev3 and NXT robots. The Chamberlain Robotic Stars 2.0 team showed them how to complete simple missions with Ev3 and Vex robots.  Everyone had the chance to build, ask questions and learn about programing with a NASA rover simulator.

The Chamberlain Robotics team has been looking forward to National Robotics Week at the Air and Space Museum for weeks. The museum has a number of robotics innovations and milestones on exhibit including Robonaut 1.  To learn more about Robonaut 1 go to

A Robonaut is a dexterous humanoid robot built and designed at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.


There are four. Robonaut two or R2 is on the International Space Station with the International Space Station.The FPCS Chamberlain Robotics Team attended National Robotics Week at the Air and Space Museum to gain understanding of current robotics innovations and speak with university robotics teams around the country.  The purpose of this trip was to celebrate National Robotics Week, see robotics innovation in progress and learn about current robotics research from robotics experts.  

During this event we saw demonstrations, tried challenges and spoke to robotics experts from Cornell University, University of Pittsburgh Robotics, University of Maryland Robotics Center, Virginia Tech Cooperative Autonomous Robotics Design Team and Adept.  We learned more about robotics, innovations and research.  The photo below is a robotics project that a VA Tech Robotics team is working on currently dealing with incubation and flight.

We saw many innovations happening with robotics. Our favorites included a flying robotic bird and a robotic turtle. This was a great opportunity to connect with and learn from current robotics experts with real world experience.  Robotics is an important part of space exploration, human space flight and aeronautics. If you are interested in robotics check out the Air and Space Museum anytime or you can attend a National Robotics Week event their next year.

D’Angelo Parker and Sincere Bolden are eighth grade students, Nija Lemons is a third grade student and Ania Thomas is a seventh grade student at Friendship Chamberlain Academy.