Posts tagged Technology
Too Much Technology Can Damage Your Eyes

From the time you wake up in the morning to the time you go to sleep at night, technology is all around you. But many people don’t know the true risk of using electronics for a long period of time. According to Everyday Health, “Nine hours per day—that's how much time the average American spends in front of a cell phone, tablet, computer or television screen”.

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Girls Who Code

Coding is a very good skill for young people to learn. It is very popular because of all of the games that people play and different programs they use to make these cool games! When kids code, they are using language that the computer understands so they can create different things like games and programs. Let’s meet these kids who code!

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Are Video Games Taking Over? The Most Popular After School Club Ever

Video games, video games, video games! That’s all kids are talking about. But what if there was a place where you could play video games for hours at a time, not get into any trouble, or even have to sneak around to do it? What about at school? At Woodridge, there’s a room where scholars can play all the games they want until 6pm!

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Technology and Math Collide

On May 5, 2015, 6th and 7th graders put their projects in a STEM Fair that took place in the Tech Prep Middle School gym. We think the STEM Fair is an interesting way to learn about the different areas of science, technology, engineering and math. In the gym there were a variety of exhibits to check out....

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