Too Much Technology Can Damage Your Eyes

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Story and photo by Sean Beach.

JAN. 23, 2020: From the time you wake up in the morning to the time you go to sleep at night, technology is all around you. But many people don’t know the true risk of using electronics for a long period of time. According to Everyday Health, “Nine hours per day—that's how much time the average American spends in front of a cell phone, tablet, computer or television screen”. Yes, technology is helpful but it also can cause vision loss and damage in the eyes because of straining. 

Everyday screen time for young children and teenagers is increasing. Sometimes we can’t help it. We use technology at school for coursework and other things education-related and we use it at home for homework and for our own purposes. But we don’t realize if we don’t give ourselves a break from so much technology we could risk our vision. I have noticed that many more students at Tech Prep now wear glasses or contacts. But they don’t actually know why. I’m one of the students. My eye doctor made me realize I sit too close to my computer or have my cell phone too close to my face which causes me to strain my eyes. Even after asking some students at Tech Prep why they have to wear glasses or why their vision is getting worse, many have had the same issues that I have. 

So, if you see your friend having computers or their phones too close to their face, tell them they should pull it back a few inches so they won’t have to worry about damaging their vision. Or if you feel that you have been in front of any type of screen too long, take a break! Lastly, remind your parents to take you to the doctor to get your eyes checked! 

Sean Beach is a junior at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.