Tech Prep Goes To National Geographic Museum For STEM Mentoring Cafe

Story by FNN Reporter Isaiah Watson. Edited by FNN Reporter Sean Beach. Photo: Wikipedia Commons

MARCH 22, 2016: February 11th, 2016. Students from Friendship Tech Prep went to the National Geographic Museum to attend a meeting for S.T.E.M mentoring at the S.T.E.M Mentoring Cafe. Some mentors told students about their work in space exploration of different galaxies. Other mentors showed students how they built undersea water turbines to film underwater creatures and others told students how they worked for different businesses at once.

When we walked into the museum, all of all of our faces lit up with discovery. Immediately, we saw the alligator exhibit and wanted to go in. But we knew that would make us late for the meeting. As we were walking up to another part of the museum, we saw a little pond with big rocks beside it. Inside the pond was a little duck  

waddling around. We all stopped to watch how gracefully he swam across the water. We were amazed by how swift the duck moved. By the time we made it to the next exhibit, we saw pictures of endangered underwater species of fish, information about how they live, where they live and how they are supposed to survive. Then we turned and walked to the left and entered the meeting room. We met three people. They gave us information about how we should behave, about the snack bar and what you can get, and where we will sit. I sat with my friends Shemar, Marquez, and Monteze at a table second closest to the snack bar.

Once we were done with the meetings, they allowed us to check out the museum. We saw pictures of all types of endangered species. We researched and learned more about endangered animal species. Later on, they gave us permission to explore the alligator exhibit. When we walked in, we immediately separated to different areas of the exhibit. One part showed how strong alligator's jaws are. Another showed how different alligator’s noses are. The last exhibit was the best to me because it actually showed live alligators. After we left the alligator exhibit, we hopped on the bus and talked about our day until we reached the school. 

Isaiah Watson and Sean Beach are 7th grade scholars at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.