The First Black Super Hero

Story by Korey Carter.  Photos from and  

MARCH 23, 2016: “Black Panther” is a very influential and inspiring comic book character within the Marvel Universe.  He is one of the few positive images of Africans and African Americans appearing during the height of segregation and racial tension in the 1960s. Being portrayed as a King, T’Challa, Black Panther’s real name, gives African Americans an image to look up to, someone to give them hope that they can one day escape segregation and racism.

As the first mainstream African American comic book character, Black Panther appeared in Fantastic Four #52 in July of 1966, before many other African American comic book characters, such as Cyborg or Static Shock. When Black Panther entered the Marvel Universe he became one of the key players of the diversity within the comic book community, but he is still very under represented within the Marvel Universe.  

Black Panther is personally my favorite comic book character, he is a superhero—a versatile and unique character who cannot be copied.  He serves an inspirational figure to many young African Americans, showing them what their true heritage is.

Korey Carter is a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.