Friendship Tech Prep’s Association with Apple

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Story by Nataleigh Jackson. Photo from FTPA Instagram (ftp_titans)

MAR. 20, 2019: In the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, the Friendship Tech Prep High School campus began to move from Chromebooks to Apple products because Apple gives us a chance to be more innovative and creative with the technology. Teachers were able to get an iPad or MacBook. Grades 9 and 10 were given iPads and grades 11 and 12 were able to get MacBook Pros. In order for students to be able to receive their Apple product, they had to pay an insurance fee of $20 or $10 each semester to ensure that if anything happens to their device, it can be replaced.

In every classroom teachers now have the option of using Apple TV which allows you to be able to project your Macbook, iPhone, and iPad using AirPlay. Teachers still have the option to connect their PCs to the projector as well, if they don’t have a MacBook.

On both the iPads and the MacBooks there are a bunch of different applications which allow both students and teachers to be able to enhance their learning. In my World History II class we were able to utilize iMovie on our iPads to be able to create a documentary on colorism and how it affects black people for our Social Studies Fair project. We are also able to use Google Drive applications such as Docs, Sheets, and Slides for different assignments in other classes. On the MacBooks, we have Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and Premiere to be able to use for photo and video editing for different purposes. Of course we have the Microsoft Office Applications such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel which can be used for many different purposes weather it is for an assignment, college and scholarship essay writing, presentations, calculating data, or for anything else you can think of.

I believe that using Apple equipment was a great idea so that we can be able to grow as learners, future engineers, journalists, photographers, doctors, and lawyers. At Tech Prep, we’ve learned to use technology in many different ways and I believe that this is definitely one of the best. I can’t wait until next year so that I am able to get a MacBook to see all of the things that I can do to further enhance my learning styles.

Nataleigh Jackson is a 10th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.