Friendship Students Attend the 2019 Black History Bowl

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Story by Nataleigh Jackson and R’Nasia Murphy. Photos from

MAR. 20, 2019: On February 28, 2019, Tech Prep and many other Friendship schools went to Collegiate Academy to participate in the Black History Bowl. There were three people to each team, and I, R’Nasia Murphy, was lucky enough to be a part of the Tech Prep team!

There were many, many categories for the Black History Bowl, and we only memorized two categories each, which isn’t even as much as there were!

For me, Nataleigh Jackson, I was told the day before the Black History Bowl that I would be participating. So as soon as I got home I began studying because I hate losing. I studied until like 11pm. My goals for the next Black History Bowl is to be more prepared because I won’t know the questions they will be giving us and I need to take my time with the studying instead of cramming it all into one night. All in all even though we lost, this was a fun experience and my first time on the Friendship Collegiate campus.  

Sadly, Tech Prep didn’t take the crown for the Black History Bowl, but we will take it next year. Mark our words! For next year we will be staying after school to study and we will be working harder. One loss for many more WINS!

Nataleigh Jackson and R’Nasia Murphy are 10th grade scholars at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.