How To Get Ready For PARCC

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Story by Asia Ferrell. Photo by Asia Ferrell.

MAR. 25, 2019: At Friendship Technology Preparatory Academy we’re getting ready for PARCC. There are different sessions for us to make sure that all of our Titan scholars get a 4 or 5 on PARCC. The different sessions are: PARCC Push on Fridays because we have half days, TNT Saturday Camp and tutoring sessions after school so students can get a clarification on the things that they have problems with. The PARCC Push sessions can benefit you before PARCC by going over things that you’ve learned in the past but had forgotten.

Friendship Technology Preparatory Academy has PARCC Push throughout the school day because students tend to not come to school on Friday’s or come late to school every once in a while. PARCC Push is important because it can help maintain this school as a Tier One school because of our improved PARCC scores.

Students here at FTPA don’t take PARCC Push very seriously, but I think that they should because PARCC scores determine if you will get into your dream college. The 10th graders should really take this test seriously because along with GPA and grades, this is the test year before the SAT and PSAT. Your goal at this school is to aim for a 3 or better on PARCC because PARCC is very important for your future.

Asia Ferrell is a 10th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.