Our Surprising New Love

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By: Klevir Winston, Breonna Fleming, Dionne Wallace, Kaelyn Burke, Ja’Shai Matthews, Naela Jones, Dha’kira Williams. Photos by Elijah Corley. Edited by Breonna Fleming.

October 15, 2018: Our 3rd grade FNN team celebrated Hispanic Heritage month by tasting some of their food and drink. We looked at videos about where they live and danced to their music. We saw on a map where South America is and we found out that the main food they eat is corn. Did you know that potatoes originally came from Peru? We ate cheese and green chile tamales wrapped in corn husks, chicken taquitos, and tacos. The tamales were a little spicy, they have chili and jalapeno peppers. We also ate chicken burrito bowl. It had rice, black beans, cheese and corn. We had pineapple soda. It was tangy.

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We saw a video showing that Hispanic people are a mixture of many races, including native people, people from Africa and Europe. Their skin tone is mixed. Their music is upbeat and it has a good dance rhythm. The music sounds like a celebration and a good time. Hispanic culture is fun, hot, and colorful. We love the Hispanic culture.

Klevir Winston, Breonna Fleming, Dionne Wallace, Kaelyn Burke, Ja’Shai Matthews, Naela Jones, and Dha’kira Williams are 3rd grade scholars and Elijah Corey is a 4th grade scholar at Friendship Southeast Academy.