Q Da Fool’s Relatable Album

Review by Khi Staton. Photo from Soundcloud.

November 19, 2021. On May 18, 2017, the up and coming artist, Q da Fool came out with an album that made The Washington Post. The album was ranked 94th in Billboard’s Top 100. The name of the album is 100 Round Goon.

I love this album because it is relatable in so many ways. Men and even women can relate to every song on the album. My favorite song is Goin’ 4 Broke

 “Q Da Fool could soundtrack a crime wave. The way he raps is menacing. Wrought iron orchestration forged in white-hot fire by one of the few new rappers who could embrace it without getting burned. His flows are pure muscle and bone. It adds up to a gritty urban drama that would make David Simon squirm,” says Dean Van Nguyen in his article on Passion of the Weiss.

In conclusion, I recommend that people go listen to this album, because they'll be able to feel Q Da Fool’s music. This album is a 10/10.

Khi Staton is a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.