Russian/Ukraine War: How You Can Take Action

Story by Zachary Walls.  Photo by Joe Flood on Flickr. 

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a gross violation of the people of Ukraine’s rights. Over one million people reportedly have fled Ukraine due to the Russian invasion, displacing them from their homes and causing them to become refugees. Along with this according to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights since 3/28/22 at least 1,935 civilians have lost their lives in this war. 

There is no real way of stopping this conflict other than providing assistance to Ukraine, but the United Nations is in a deadlock and other nations don’t want to get involved. All they can do to Russia is create sanctions which do something, but not enough. There needs to be more help for the Ukraininians who are in serious need of weapons and funding. 

Donating to charities like the Red Cross and Save the Children that are assisting the Ukrainians would help them very much in escaping the conflict. Currently Save the Children is helping parents who have fled with their children by providing for them after they are safe. If people don’t donate to these charities, the people of Ukraine will have no support for those who are fleeing the country and may die. You can take action by donating to other causes that help those in need, as well as raising awareness to others. 

Please Donate to Redcross at the link below. 

 Zachary Walls is a junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.