Stop Animal Abuse

Commentary by Amina Owens. Image courtesy of Four-Paws.

Animals shouldn’t be abused. People who abuse animals, work them to death, and even starve them. If I could ban people from hurting animals I would. Some consequences I think could be appropriate for animal abusers would be having their taxes raised and paying a fine.

Animal abuse can sometimes happen from selling animals. People sell animals for work. For example, breeding or experiments that use toxic chemicals; or testing them for make up or perfume. That can lead to the animal dying. Another way people abuse animals is by simply not taking care of them. This should be illegal everywhere. 

Animal abuse can cause animals to be overprotective of themselves when transitioning into a new home after being abused. This could make it very hard for them to play with other animals in a new household because they might think they are a threat. The animals even become violent due to past abuse.

In conclusion, animals should always be loved and cared for properly. Animals should not be used to test chemicals for make-up or perfume. Animals should always be fed and taken care of, in contrast to being harmed with violence and neglect.  

Amina Ownes is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Southeast Elementary Academy.