Teacher's Appreciation Week

Story by R’Nasia Murphy. Photos by R’Nasia Murphy

JUNE 6, 2017: The weeks of May 1 - May 5, 2017, and May 8 - May 12, 2017, were Teacher Appreciation Weeks, in which we say “thank you” to the wonderful teachers who taught us over the course of the year. My wonderful teachers, Ms. Felder, Mr. Collins, and Ms. Robinson are just some of the amazing sixth grade team that helps all of the sixth-grade scholars. I can truly say that I learned so much from these teachers. I’m proud to say that I’m a straight-A student because of these teachers. They are fun, caring and very generous. I would also like to thank the amazing Officer Owens, who, in my opinion, is the coolest person ever. Though I’m just brushing over the sixth-grade teachers, there are much more teachers in the seventh and eighth grade who deserve many thanks, including all of the staff and ones who helps out that don’t actually teach.

I would like to say thanks to Ms. Peggy Jones for planning so many trips for all of those who earned it. Special thanks to Mr. Mann, Ms. Booth, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Killgo and many more teachers and staff who helped me and other students. I thank all of the teachers who taught me something and I will let you know that your work is not going unappreciated from me.

You survived many eight-hour days. You came to school every day to help me and several other students. I thank you from the bottom of my heart! If you are a student, who is your favorite teacher and why? Also, who did you say “Happy Teacher’s Appreciation” to?

R’Nasia Murphy is a 6th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.