That’s Right! Four-Year-Olds Can Write Books

Story by Lovee Bell. Photo courtesy of

NOV. 22, 2019: Can you believe a four-year-old wrote a book? Yes, this is true! You might have heard of this on social media or even the news. A four-year-old girl, Parker Curry, who lives in Washington, DC, did not know her face would be seen around the world on a visit with her mom to the National Portrait Museum. 

Parker Curry took the internet by storm when a picture of her went viral after a stranger photographed her staring at a painting of Mitchell Obama. What was so great about this story is the fact that Michelle Obama later invited Parker over to dance with her after she saw how Parker was looking so excited and in awe at her beauty. 

Then, TV show host Ellen DeGeneres invited Paker to come on her show, and Parker captured the hearts of millions of people with her tiny voice and smile.

Parker Curry got help from her mom and wrote about her experience meeting Michelle Obama when she was caught awestruck in front of a portrait of her. The book is called “Parker Looks Up” and she is hoping that it will inspire children all over the world.

Paker Curry is the first-ever pre-k student to write or draw a book that is published. Her book means that anyone can be inspired to create a book. If anyone thinks you’re too young to make a book, well, they are wrong! Look at Parker Curry. She’s only four, and she did it! Don’t let people tell you what you can and can not do. It is essential to prove them wrong!

Lovee Bell is a 4th-grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge International School.