Toxic Metal in Baby Food

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Story by Nataleigh Jackson. Photo from usatoday.

NOV. 22, 2019: Baby food. We all have had it at least once in our lives. Since baby food is for babies and babies are so fragile you would think that what they’re eating would be very healthy. It’s not. Recently there’s been a video going around about how if you put baby food into a zip lock bag and get a magnet, a piece of metal will connect to the magnet. This has raised a lot of attention in a lot of communities because if babies are eating metal it’s extremely bad.

According to CNN, 95% of dry baby food in the US contains toxic metals as follows: 95% contains Lead, 75% contains Cadmium, 73% contains Arsenic, 32% contains Mercury. These numbers are unacceptable. These metals can cause brain damage to babies. 

A lot of parents are unaware of what’s in the baby food they’re feeding their babies. Gerber Rice” is a commonly used type of baby food that’s given to babies. They advertise their rice as gluten-free and non-GMO. But, nowhere on the label does it say anything about metal. 

I just don’t understand how the FDA has approved Gerbers Rice or any other baby food that contains any type of metal. How can selling this to vulnerable parents even an option? I feel like they’re taking advantage of parents because a lot of parents put baby rice/cereal in their baby’s milk to get the baby to go to sleep faster. But, parents are unaware of the metal that’s in the actual product. This is sad and unacceptable.

Nataleigh Jackson is a junior at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.