The Beat of Royal Blackness

Story and video by Mikayla Decker, Caithyn Bullock, Arianna Shaw, Cordé Shaw, Raysean Franciso. Edited by Mikayla Decker & Jerell King. Videography by Simone Crank and Raysean Franciso. Video Editing by Cordé Shaw. Artwork by Caithyn Bullock and Cordé Shaw.

For the month of February, our school Friendship Southeast Academy rocked our amazing Black History Month. Pre-school through 5th grade performed in different programs to celebrate. Each class in the school participated in the Black History Month Showcase. The overall theme of the school program was “We Are ROYALTY”.

One day, the whole school celebrated by doing an African American Read-In! It was a Drop-Everything-And-Read event. Teachers were asked to read and talk about books with their students who had African American characters, or written by an African American author. The kids in Ms. Davenport’s Preschool 3 class did an excellent job telling us their favorite parts in the book by Hope Lynne Price.

In the Black History Month Showcase, the Music and Drama Club sang songs from the time of slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Lives Matter movement. Also in the Showcase, a poem titled “You Are Royalty” written by Robin Gray, was read by Mikayla. There is the poem:

Yes, you are Royalty

The color of your skin represents the earth that created you

The sun aligns with your pigment

Your hair can withstand heat and cold, without damage

You can, and will, survive anywhere on this earth

Yes, you are Royalty

Your ancestors are Kings, Queens, Prince and Princesses

You triumphed through great wars and significant battles

Even when captured, you fought to keep your legacy alive

You are the ultimate soldier, warrior and chief

Yes, you are Royalty

You are resilient, you are steadfast and unmovable

You are watchful and adaptable

You lead when it’s time to lead

You follow when it’s time to follow

Yes, you are Royalty

Somebody lifted their hands to the heavens

And prayed for you

Somebody resisted the restraints of this Nation

And walked for you

Somebody put on their armor

And fought for you

Somebody sacrifice their life

And died for you

Yes, you are Royalty

You are a King my brother

You are a Prince my son

You are a Queen my sister

You are a Princess my daughter

The blood that flows through your veins

Is liquid gold

The paths before you

Are to fulfil your purpose…. To Rule

Yes, you are Royalty

Even when you do not wear your crown

Even when others around you don’t acknowledge you

Even when the enemy tries to de-throne you

Always remember from wince you came

Your lineage, your heritage, your birth rite


Mikayla said that her favorite part of the poem is, “Somebody lifted their hands to the heavens and prayed for you.”

And in Aftercare, we learned a song by the group New Edition, called “Candy Girl” made in 1983. We practiced 1980’s dance moves. We liked dancing because we were able to move our bodies around.

This is for all the African Americans from a long time ago that help us see that we can make more out of our life. Hope you have a good time watching our Black History Month Showcase.

Arianna Shaw and Raysean Franciso are 2nd grade scholars; Corde’ Shaw is a 3rd grade scholar; Simone Crank, Mikayla Decker and Caithyn Bullock are 5th grade scholars at Friendship Southeast Academy.