Jump Rope For Heart

Story by Kyla Smith and Mya Jackson. Photos by Angelle Fair.

MARCH 23, 2017: This winter, Chamberlain Champions warmed up in the gym with a Jump Rope for Heart Program. The purpose of Jump Rope For Heart was to raise some money for the American Heart Association and have fun. It also raised awareness around school about the importance of being heart healthy.  To learn more about how to be heart healthy please visit: https://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Giving/ForIndividuals/JoinanEvent/Jump-Rope-for-Heart-Event_UCM_315609_SubHomePage.jsp or google “Jump Rope for Heart”.

The Chamberlain students did exercises like jump rope, calisthenics, hula hoop, dancing, crab crawl, the step exercise, jumping jacks and sit ups.  Our favorite part was seeing all the kids enjoy the exercises.  

We asked Mr. Little, Chamberlain’s PE teacher, why we need a Jumping For Heart program and he said that all Friendship schools were trying to get kids to understand the importance of eating healthy and taking care of your heart. The grades that participated include PreK3 up to the 8th grade.  Eighth grader, Devin Dove, used the opportunity to burn some calories, exercise and have fun.  He learned that there are a lot of ways to get your blood flowing and lower your cholesterol.

The Jump Rope for Heart program was also held during Saturday School according to eighth grader, Candace Spruill. It was competitive at times and the music was great to get us motivated. Overall the experience was a success and we hopefully will have the program again next year.  

Kyla Smith and Mya Jackson are sixth grade scholars and Angelle Fair is an eighth grade scholar at Friendship Chamberlain Academy.