The Gift of Giving

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Story by Braylon Wims. Photo Courtesy of Google.

DEC. 7, 2017: Google is one of my favorite companies. Why? Because the company just keeps on giving and giving and giving. Just last month, Google gave $1 million grant to The Hidden Genius Project, a non-profit organization located in Oakland, California that is working to increase the number of African American youth working in the field of technology.

To date, most of the Hidden Genius students have gone off to college and are now majoring in computer science. The money will help the non-profit organization to train more staff members and to expand their organization in other cities with a large population of poor communities such as Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, and even Washington, DC.

This is not the first time Google has done something like this.  It has provided several grants to support African American students to become leaders in the field of technology. Google is all about helping youth no matter what their race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background. I think this is awesome! More companies should be giving back as well. Why not? It is so important that businesses give back in meaningful ways. This is good news to my ears because Google is helping students who might not have gotten the opportunity without Google’s help. This is an example of the gift of giving and that’s really what this season is all about.

Braylon Wims is a 7th Grade Scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.