The Great Oprah Winfrey

Story by Empris Graham. Edited by Sean Beach.

FEB. 28, 2017: Oprah Winfrey is an African-American woman who is well known worldwide for starring in movies, creating and producing films, and OWN, which is her own TV network. Oprah Winfrey is an admirable person to African-Americans. She helped society by being benevolent and giving to charities. She donated millions of dollars to charities and to many organizations. She gave money to 29 charities. She played in 23 movies and created many TV shows. She created the shows Greenleaf, Queen Sugar, Super Soul Sunday, and Oprah’s Master Class. Oprah Winfrey has many achievements. She was awarded a medal of freedom by President Barack Obama.

Empris Graham is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.