The Letters To President Obama

Story by Dynasty Meade. Photo courtesy of MCSM.

Friendship Woodridge 7th and 8th graders wrote a letter to President Barack Obama explaining how the students felt about Columbus Day. Many scholars contemplated if there was even a point to write to President Obama. Why? He’s the president, and he may not get the letters or even reply.

The students were assigned to write about if they thought that Columbus Day should still be a holiday. Some of the scholars think it should be a holiday, but the name should be changed. Others felt that Columbus Day should not be a holiday at all. Many voiced their concerns about Columbus Day and thought it should be to remember the lives lost and taken by Columbus and his men. We felt that nobody should worship a murderer, let alone a person who took over an already owned land.

In response, our school got a letter from President Obama, a signed picture of the first family, and two pictures of their dogs (Sunny and Bo). The letter from President Obama expressed how good it is to have scholars write their concerns and send them in no matter what they were. The letter and pictures are currently being framed. As you can tell the scholars were flabbergasted and astonished that President Obama actually replied to the letters.

Recently, right after the 2016 election, the 7th and 8th graders wrote a letter concerning the newest president Donald Trump. The scholars all expressed their hopes, fears, and expectations of the president elect. Currently Friendship Woodridge is waiting for a response, and we can’t wait to hear what he has to say.

Dynasty Meade is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.