The New iPhone 6: What’s Up With That?

Story by Shaniah Gillison. Photo courtesy of

DECEMBER 8, 2014: Have you heard of the IPhone 6, Apple’s newest product that everyone has been snatching up? Maybe if you are not “Team iPhone”, you wonder, what’s so great about the iPhone 6? Or you might say to yourself, why is Apple all of a sudden trying to copy and be more like the Galaxy? Did iPhone really copy Galaxy? What’s the real story behind all the fuss and long lines about?

According to Apple’s website the iPhone 6 it is bigger, thinner, and has a ton of new cool features. For starters, the picture quality has increased enormously. So, if you enjoy taking “selfies” like so many of us, then you will love this new feature. Besides that, the iPhone 6 is loaded with IOS 8, group face time, and a larger display you can use as if it was a hand held computer. I know this might be exciting news for all the adult cellphone users, 


but for teens, a better quality Face Time is the best things thus far. Think about it. Now, not only can you talk and see the person you are talking to, but you can include as many of your friends into the conversation as well. Wow! That’s too cool for words.

Like I mentioned before, the iPhone is being accused of copying the Galaxy due the lock button being on the side and the phone being pretty much the same larger size like the Galaxy, but no other carrier can come close to the high tech savvy touch screen identity feature. Crooks will have a hard time unlocking and getting into your phone with this new update, and besides, if you already own a 4s or 5s, then you should be hooked. Hands down, Apple wins in my book as the coolest phone right now on the market. Take it from someone who talks and texts more than the average Joe, the one hand usability is what will impress you the most. This hot feature uses a double tap of the home button and is half the height and width of the current phones. How awesome is that! So, with looks, features, and durability, the iPhone6 is sure to be a favorite going into the New Year!

Shaniah Gillison is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.