The Positive and Negative Effects of Peer Pressure

Story by La’Shea KIngsbury. Photo courtesy of Scripps.

Peer pressure is the influence from other people your age to do something that may make you uncomfortable. Peer pressure is the feeling that you need to do something because people similar to you are doing it. 

Peer pressure affects middle schoolers and young adults. It is important that people are educated about peer pressure because it is a heartbreaking crisis across the world. With more education about peer pressure, we can all work together to prevent it. 

Peer pressure can be both positive and negative. It is very hard to see young kids go through negative peer pressure because it can have a lasting effect on young teens and adults. Negative peer pressure can cause young people to change who they are based on what their peers tell them. Negative peer pressure can also make them believe they aren’t good enough, and that they don’t have purpose in the world. 

Now, positive peer pressure is a bit different from the negative side of peer pressure. Positive peer pressure is when your peers influence you to do something positive or growth building. According to the article Peer Pressure: Statistics, Examples, and Signs, “...28% of teens reported that their social status has been boosted by being peer pressured.” For instance, in the article, a 16 year old girl named Nicole was once afraid of singing in front of people until her friends convinced her to sing along with them, and eventually overcome her fear. This shows that peer pressure can also have a positive effect on young people. 

In conclusion, everybody experiences peer pressure at some point in their life, whether it’s positive or negative. Sometimes peer pressure can be dangerous, and can possibly put our safety at risk. In addition, sometimes peer pressure can encourage us and help us grow. 

La’Shea Kingsbury is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Southeast Academy.