Why We Should Celebrate Earth Day

Story by Amina Owens. Photo courtesy of Amazon.

Earth Day started in San Francisco on April 22, 1970. Earth Day is celebrated to encourage everyone to clean and protect the earth.  We clean the earth because of climate change causing the earth to suffer from pollution and littering. If we end air pollution and stop littering at school, maybe we can save the earth.

For instance, did you know that some schools are known as green schools? Green schools use less electricity or energy than regular schools. In addition to that, green schools recycle and reuse materials. 

Pollution is something that negatively affects the air that we breathe in order to survive. We cannot live without oxygen. Cutting down trees is decreasing our oxygen because trees provide us with oxygen. With that said, trees need to grow. Chopping down trees not only runs some animals out of their homes, but it also makes our planet unsuitable to survive. 

Everything we do may be good for us, but not for the earth. We all should just stop destroying the earth by throwing away glass or plastic bottles, and instead recycle. We shouldn’t dump trash on the ground or in the sea, harming animals and our food supply. Earth Day celebrations are used to educate people about different ways we can protect the environment, rather than inflicting harm on it.

Amina Owens is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Southeast Academy.