The Vaccine: Are People Crazy to Take It, or Crazy For Not Taking It?

Commentary by Kaylee Hill, Dasia Jenkins, Zakhi Taylor, and Qawiyy Thomas.
Photos Courtesy of and Ms. Kaufman.

MAY 4, 2021: Do people want the pandemic to be over? Some people do, and some do not especially if they are afraid of being vaccinated. While vaccines are supposed to protect the body from viruses, some do not think this is true. It is essential to know about vaccines because some of them are watered-down versions of the virus that train our bodies to fight the real one. Scientists say that vaccines are almost 100 percent effective, but why do people not want to take them?

There is so much talk about the new Covid-19 vaccine. Pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, and now Johnson & Johnson have all recently developed a vaccine that can be injected in one or two doses. In lab experiments by Johnson & Johnson, the shot demonstrated "roughly equivalent" levels of neutralizing the virus (CNN, 2021). Despite the overwhelming desire to get a handle on normalcy, so many people are undecided. The good news is that more and more people are getting vaccinated each day.

But, nearly 40% of Latinos told researchers that they would probably not get the vaccine. More than half of African Americans said the same. According to the Washington Post, white people expressed hesitancy, but the number of African Americans and Latinos is troubling because the infection rates are much higher. Let us find out what some of our community members are saying about getting vaccinated. The Woodridge FNN team of reporters took a deep look into how community members in DC felt about the new vaccine.

Dasia Jenkins: Some people say we should not get the vaccine. I would say that I agree with them. I know there is no science to back this up but, I’ve heard that the vaccine might stop women from getting pregnant. This cannot be true, because just recently the CDC approved the vaccine for pregnant women. There are just so many myths and false information circulating about the vaccine and that has everyone confused. Even though the vaccine is known to protect humans, many people are concerned that it could cause fevers or other health challenges. Even though people see taking the vaccine as better and more manageable, only one question remains, if we do not take the vaccine, how will we get through this? I believe that if we work together and stay safe, we will get through this. 

Others are stepping up and getting the vaccines because antibodies (proteins known to protect the body) live in the vaccine. Lots of people took the vaccines and were able to defend themselves from the virus. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine that can cure us if we get the virus. That is why it took so much time to develop a formula that truly works and is effective. Numerous reports have shown that the Covid-19 vaccinations are effective and safe for Americans to stop the spread of this virus. Dr. Fauci, chief medical advisor to the president, has recommended that all Americans get the vaccine once they are eligible. 

Because citizens have chosen to take the vaccine, the number of people with Covid is starting to decrease according to the New York Times. Covid-19 vaccines are known to be solid and practical. Once people take the vaccine, they are safe to go anywhere at any time. 

Kaylee Hill: In my opinion, people should not take the vaccine because of the vaccine's side effects. An article I read on Google talked about the impact of the vaccine. For example, if a person gets a shot in their arm, it can cause pain, swelling, or induce an allergic reaction. If someone gets the vaccine, they could have a fever, chills, tiredness, and severe headaches. Plus, there is not enough information about kids or not enough information about the vaccine. What happens if a kid takes it? I believe there is entirely too much information missing about this vaccine, and we do not know all of the details and long-term side effects. If there is more information, maybe people would not be scared to take the vaccine. Nevertheless, we can all continue working hard to stay safe and remember, "We are in this together!" 

One person I interviewed said, “People should take the vaccine because it protects you from the virus and keeps you from spreading it.” 

According to CNN news, the vaccine is causing the Covid numbers to go down. The number of people who are getting the vaccine is now up to two million a day. People who get fully vaccinated can safely visit people who are not vaccinated, hang out in small groups, and the numbers are slowly going down. Taking the vaccine is good because we can go back to our everyday lives plus no more masks and six feet distancing. Eventually, everyone will be able to enjoy hanging out with family and friends once again. 

Qawiyy Thomas: I think people should not take the vaccine because there is not enough research to support its effectiveness. I firmly believe that the pandemic is going to be around for another year or two. Scientists have been working overtime to create drugs that will fight the virus. However, several of the vaccines were recently approved, such as Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, and I think they were created too quickly. It is crucial to consider older people's health conditions like heart problems and other diseases. If this vaccine is not safe, their lives could be in danger. 

When teachers were asked about getting vaccinated, four out of five said that they believed in science and had faith that all of the vaccinations are effective. Just like the measles and other shots that are required of before entering school, teachers strongly feel that school has been virtual far too long. In order to get back in school and comfortable teaching, all of the teachers interviewed expressed much excitement about educators being eligible along with elderly adults to get the vaccine before the general population.

Zakhi Taylor: When the opportunity opens for children to get vaccinated, I strongly feel like everyone should take the vaccine. Several famous celebrities like David Attenborough, Jada Pinkett-Smith, and Arnold Schwarzenegger have gotten vaccinated without adverse effects. Besides, President Biden, former president Obama, and several politicians are doing the right thing by getting vaccinated to end this pandemic. 

In conclusion, everyone should get vaccinated to eliminate this global problem that has gone on for a year now. If people continue to be afraid of getting vaccinated, the country will continue to see more deaths, and more and people will continue to get sick.

One of the most significant barriers standing in the way of ending the pandemic is not medical or logistical. It is the misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines. Everyone must get vaccinated to block the spread of the virus and reach a herd immunity level for individuals to be immune to the virus and prevent spreading. According to the CDC, nearly 15% of the adult population has been fully vaccinated, but we need at least 60% to feel safe to get back to normal.

In the end, most states have seen a decline in deaths, and people are beyond fatigued with isolation. According to the Washington Post, many cities are beginning to reopen as some people are less scared of the virus and are changing their behavior. With the percentage of effectiveness of the three available vaccines, there’s promise for a significant step back toward normalcy.

Kaylee Hill, Dasia Jenkins, Zakhi Taylor, and Qawiyy Thomas are 4th grade scholars at the Friendship Woodridge International Academy.