The Wonderful Trip to Georgetown University

Story by Sean Beach. Image from:

JUNE 3, 2016: On Monday, May 16, 2016, thirty-two 7th grade scholars had a chance to go to Georgetown University to take a tour of the campus. We had a chance to talk to an actual student from Georgetown that just completed her first year of college. We talked to an assistant dean. We were just asking different questions about college and what their expectations are.

Georgetown is one of the oldest colleges in the country. It is a school that is Catholic. Georgetown is also an ivy-league school. It is one of the best colleges in Washington, DC. It is very expensive but a great school to go to. It is very close to Arlington and Rosslyn, Virginia. You just have to go over the Francis Key Bridge. Georgetown has many different sports opportunities. They have a great basketball team, marching band, and lacrosse team. I will have a chance to go there during the summer for a week for an ID Tech Camp.

In the future, I really want to go there. What do you think about Georgetown University? Have you ever thought about going?

Sean Beach is a 7th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.