Trader Joe's Finally Makes it to Southeast DC

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Story by Diamond Thompson. Photos courtesy of Capitol Hill Corner.

OCT. 18, 2017: Trader Joe’s is finally bringing health to the hood. Well, Southeast Washington, DC. is technically really not the hood anymore. Southeast use to be considered one of the poorest neighborhoods in D.C. Today, some parts of Southeast are now a part of Capitol Hill. Trader Joe’s  just had the Grand Opening of its new store on Pennsylvania Avenue just blocks away from the Capitol. This is exciting news because the only grocery stores around are Safeway, Giant and other small corner stores.  

The nicer grocery stores are much further away. A couple of years ago Harris Teeter opened in the Eastern Market area, and a few months later came Yes Market. It’s no surprise that the neighborhood is changing.

It’s good news that Trader Joe’s is now a neighborhood store. The food prices and selections are far better than any grocery stores currently in the area. Just this summer, H street in Northeast Washington, DC got a brand new Whole Foods which is a lot more expensive and upscale.

After the National Stadium was built for the Washington Nationals baseball team, many businesses such as restaurants, stores, and shops moved into the area. Brand new condos and jobs have brought a lot of people to the area. Many neighborhoods are changing with a diverse group of people moving into the city. But, rising cost of living is making it less affordable for the people who live there. And the poor neighborhoods still get the worst stores and the cheapest brands when it comes to food. It’s time to portray African American neighborhoods in a bright light, and having Trader Joe’s is a start!     

Diamond Thompson is a 7th Grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge International School.