Tragic Accident Killed 5 Children

Story by Dionel Grice. Photo by

On November 22, 2016, Jonathon Walker was driving a Chattanooga school bus and the bus ride ended in a tragic crash. The crash left five children dead and 12 children hospitalized. Walker was driving a normal route but the Chattanooga school bus accelerated down one road. A child on the bus told a CNN news reporter, “The driver was going very fast.” Walker’s mother said he had never really been in any trouble and she said at the moment he was working two jobs. After Walker received a new record with five counts of vehicular homicide, reckless endangerment and reckless driving, his mother went on and said, “Walker has a three year old child. He would never do anything like this on purpose.” This was a tragic accident and I hope every life involved in this incident will be remembered.

Dionel Grice is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.