Racist Comments Gets Teacher Fired

Story by A’Myri Thornton. Picture from www.baltimoresun.com

Recently a caucasian teacher who worked at Harlem Park Elementary/Middle School in Baltimore, Maryland was recorded saying racist things to her African American students, such as, “you're idiots,” You want to be little punk a**  niggers who are gonna get shot,” and “You’re all gonna get shot”. The teacher was fired following the incident.
The school released a statement saying, “No form of discriminatory behavior of any kind is, or will be tolerated.” Personally, if I was a parent or guardian of one of the students in that classroom, I would be outraged at this teacher for saying such things. I feel like she could've been the adult in the situation and handled it more professionally because they are just kids. They don't deserve to be talked to like trash on the street.
A’Myri Thornton is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.