Two Great Cities, Two Great Colleges, ONE Friendship

Story by Sean Beach. Photos by Maniyah Porter and Ronald Womack.

MAY 1, 2019: From April 15 - April 17, FNN reporters from Friendship Tech Prep and Friendship Collegiate went on our third annual spring break trip. We were able to visit two wonderful cities, New York City and New Haven, CT. This trip allowed 10th and 11th grade reporters from both schools to explore two different colleges while of course having fun. In New York City, we visited the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) and in New Haven, we visited Yale University.

On the first day, we left DC at 6am and headed to New York City to tour FIT. FIT was definitely a great college to visit especially for those who want to go to college in New York or may be interested in fashion. Afterwards, a few reporters even added the school to their college choices. We were able to see the dorms, student areas, and cafeteria. Even with the rainy weather, we persevered and had a great time.

After our tour ended luckily the rain did as well, so we went out for lunch and just walked around for a few hours before heading to New Haven. We went on the train to New Haven around 3pm and arrived about 5. We met Ms. Kaufman at the New Haven train and went to Hamden were we resided for the next few days.

On the second day, after breakfast we went to Yale University to have an information session and self guided tour. I was the tour leader. We were able to see many different things such as the Yale Beinecke Rare Books Library, the Yale Art Gallery, and the Yale Repertory Theater, just to name a few of the landmarks. We were able to see the beautiful college on a really beautiful day. Yale was definitely a great school. Many reporters loved the engineering schools and science schools, the innovation center, and some of the great landmarks that we saw while visiting.

The final day was my least favorite because we had to leave! We ate breakfast and headed out to Hartford, CT to get on our flight back home.

This trip was a great experience for us because we were able to experience two great cities, two great colleges, as ONE FRIENDSHIP. We can’t wait until we see what is in store for next year.

Sean Beach is a 10th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy. Maniya Porter and Ronald Womack are juniors at Friendship Collegiate Academy.