Walmart Bans Guns From All Stores

Story by Nataleigh Jackson. Photo from The Hill.

NOV. 26, 2019: Walmart, a store that sells guns is beginning to forbid legal gun carriers from entering their stores with guns. Why? Because On August 3rd, 2019, a man walked into a Walmart in El Paso, Texas and began shooting. Twenty-two people were killed during this shooting. The suspect, Patrick Crusius, was arrested after the shooting and charged with capital murder. Being charged with capital murder means that the suspect either killed a police officer, firefighter, paramedic while on duty, or somebody died during an initial robbery.

This can affect gun laws because now Walmart is banning people carrying legal guns into their stores. This also adds to the argument to help make stricter gun laws. The process of getting a gun is way too easy. People only need a valid form of identification which can include a driver's license or an ID with an address, picture, and birthday. Most times people don’t even have to go through a background check, but can just get the gun then and there. 

The rate of gun violence in America is very high. From children to the elderly, people are just not careful about shooting their guns. How do you feel about gun violence in America? Let me know in the comment section below!

Nataleigh Jackson is a junior at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.