Welcome to the 2017-18 School Year!

Story By R’Nasia Murphy. Edited by Sean Beach. Photos by Sean Beach, R’Nasia Murphy and Asia Ferrell.

The 2017-2018 school year has been here for almost 5 weeks now! Plenty of scholars were very excited because they were able to meet new teachers and finally get to be in a higher grade. Whether you’re a newcomer in high school or middle school or were here last year, you have a brand new set of goals for the school year and a whole new set of challenges.

The high school students must earn a certain amount of credits for each course they take and complete 100 hours of community service to graduate. The high schoolers have to face different tests and use all of the skills they learned throughout their years of school. The security is amazing at Tech Prep and we know nothing threatening can pass through the doors.

To say that Tech Prep teachers are the best is an understatement. They‘re superheroes! They provide help at all times, so you can feel comfortable enough to talk to them about anything.

The test scores improve each time a test is taken, making our school even better because of its teachers. And the Titans are full of school spirit, making cheers at school events that make students more excited about learning.

At Tech Prep there are many ways to improve learning, like tutoring after school and Tuesday and Saturday TNT (Top Notch Titans)—both of which helps your understanding in math class. The staff of TNT give many types of incentives such as field trips, dress down passes, luncheons, raffles, ice cream, and parties. Tech Prep has many after-school enrichment activities, like the one and only FNN, basketball, band, track, anime club, ACE, and robotics.

Have a great school year!

R’Nasia Murphy, Asia Ferrell Sean Beach are 9th graders at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.