All About our Former President, Barack Obama

Story by Jerell King. Picture from

Feb. 16, 2017:This past year, we saluted and said farewell to our inspiring former president, Barack Obama. President Obama was and still is a great leader to the people of America. But how did President Obama become the wonderful leader he is today? Let’s take a look back at Barack Obama’s story about how he became the great person he is today.

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., was born August 4th, 1961 at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father, Barack Obama Sr. was not a part of Obama’s childhood life. Obama Sr. died in a fatal car accident on November 24th,1982, when young Obama was 21 years old. Obama was struck by this heartbreaking accident, but that did not stop him from taking the right path.

In 1995, Barack Obama wrote an autobiography called, “Dreams of my Father” in which he admits to smoking cocaine and marijuana as a teenager. Two years later, Barack Obama became senator for the state of Illinois, representing the 13th district until 2005. Then on February 10th 2007, he announced his official candidacy for president. After Obama won the election on November 4th, 2008 with an estimated 66.7 million popular votes and 365 electoral votes, he was sworn into office January 20th, 2009 and became the first African-American President of the United States.

President Obama was a great president and has served two terms as the President of the U.S. But Obama has some other major trophies under his belt including winning two Grammys for best spoken word album and even made an appearance on Saturday Night Live. And, let’s not leave out his wonderful wife Michelle Obama and their two daughters, Malia Ann Obama and Sasha Obama. Our former President Barack Obama can never be replaced and we should salute him and his family for what they have done to change the U.S for the better.

Jerell King is a 9th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.