Breakfast with Giraffes in Kenya

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Story by Marquise Wade. Picture from:

 Hey Readers!

AUG 13, 2020: My race is slowly, but surely coming to an end. This is my last week touring and reporting virtually and I couldn’t end this race without something good to eat. So, today I visited Kenya and had breakfast with giraffes. I have fed giraffes before, but I never ate with them before so this experience like most of my amazing race adventures was a new and interesting one. 

When we checked into Giraffe Manor, I had heard stories about eating with the giraffes, but when I actually sat at the table and the long neck animal peeked in, I was really shocked! Eventually, I got used to seeing the giraffes around and decided to feed and pat them as I ate.

From this experience, I learned that this building was originally made for a wealthy British family. The dining rooms do not have electricity to give residents the 1932 feel like the first family that ever lived there. The giraffes live here because they are endangered so this manor works to keep them alive. 

If you are looking to go on a vacation, want to eat with giraffes, and have $920 for every night you wish to stay, I would recommend you stay at the Giraffe Manor in Kenya. 

Marquise Wade is a 4th grade student at FPCS Blow Pierce Campus.