Does Grey's Anatomy Live Up to the Hype?

Review by Janira Yelverton. Photo from

I just started watching the popular ABC and Netflix show, “Grey’s Anatomy'', and here's what I think about it and the hype surrounding it. Grey’s Anatomy is a show that dives into the working system of a hospital and basically the life of a doctor. I’ve only watched up to Season 4 but from what I have watched so far the show is pretty good. It has its dramatic moments, but who doesn’t like a little drama?

I liked the fact that for its time, the show went into subjects that were rarely brought up in movies and tv shows. It might have also helped that the creator of this show was a black woman. Although it does have a lot of filler,  I'm the type of person who likes to skip through. This show has made me laugh, cry, and just enjoy it. I would really recommend it to anybody who has access to it.

If you are looking for a show that you could watch for a while and actually connect with the characters, then I would recommend this series to you. Every episode feels like something new while also not being confusing. You can gain characters and you lose characters, but it's a great show and people should definitely check it out if they have the chance. I'd give it a 9 out of 10.

Janira Yelverton is a junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.