Four Eyes Are Better Than Two

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Story by Miracle Mason. Picture from 

APR. 2, 2020: This school year, I went to the doctor and got an eye exam and it turned out that I needed glasses. I was scared to wear my glasses because I saw on TV how students tease students who wear glasses. I knew wearing my glasses would help me to see better, but it still didn’t make me less nervous to wear them. 

Even though I was scared and nervous to wear my glasses, I had to. I was surprised when I started getting compliments about how my glasses and my frames look. The compliments made me more confident to wear my glasses. I am glad I was brave and faced my fears because now I can see the board in my class better when my teacher is teaching, chapter books aren’t hard to read, and my eyes don’t hurt after school because I no longer have to strain and squinch my eyes to see. 

I love my new glasses and wear them proudly in and out of school. 

Miracle Mason is a 4th grade scholar at Friendship Blow Pierce Academy.