He’s Flying Without a Plane!

Story By Corde’ Shaw. 6th Grade. Photo from https://www.google.com/

AUG 13, 2020: Oh no he's going to die! Wait, why is he falling so slow? It’s because he’s wingsuit flying. Wingsuit flying is considered an extreme sport, which means he has a risk of dying. The chances of dying or getting a serious injury are 74 percent, so you wouldn’t  want to do this in real life but maybe virtually like I did.

While there isn’t much to say about wingsuit flying, I can say that it’s the closest thing you can get to being a superhero. The average wingsuit speed is 100mph, it also increases the glide ratio to 8:1. This means the wingsuiter travels 8 feet for every 1 foot falling vertically.

Virtually this trip was amazing, and I can only imagine how dangerous and scary it is in real life.

Corde’ Shaw is a sixth grade scholar at Friendship Southeast Middle School.