The Seahorses of Australia

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Story by Corde’ Shaw. Photo from Scientists Study The Sea Horses Tai. 

AUG. 13, 2020: That’s a seahorse, giving birth? Yes it is, specifically a male seahorse. I decided to fly out to Australia for two reasons. One, to explore the ocean there and two, explore the amazing seahorse.

There it was, I spotted my first seahorse but it was spewing out yellowish items. I soon found out that those were babies and that that was actually a male. While male seahorses are pregnant with its babies the mother actually does the hunting for food for him.

Since seahorses aren’t strong swimmers they have tails and their tails are for them to have some type of grip. Their tails are shaped like squares instead of being rounded so it's not as easy to slip. Like cuttlefish seahorses camouflage themselves, they can change the color and texture of their skin.

Seahorses are amazing creatures and they would be awesome to see in real life. Check out these facts about seahorses and how they survive in their environment Scientists Study The Sea Horses Tail

Corde’ Shaw is a sixth grade scholar at Friendship Southeast Middle School.