The Blue-Footed Booby Bird and Its Blue Feet Remind Me of Me

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Story by Marquise Wade. Picture from 

Hey Readers!

AUG. 13, 2020: You are not going to believe how up close and personal my visit to the Galapagos was today. The strange animals of the Galapagos are not afraid of people so I was able to pat, feed, take close pictures with, and walk near these animals. Okay, not really, but I used my imagination and pretended I did.

Today, I was introduced to eighteen strange animals who live in Galapagos. Out of all of these animals, my favorite was the Blue-Footed Booby because my favorite color is blue and their feet are blue as their name suggests. Something interesting about the Blue-Footed Booby Birds is that the color of their feet help them to get girlfriends. The male bird lifts its feet up and down as it walks past the female bird. The male bird with the brightest feet usually wins the female bird. 

If I were to compare this bird to me, I would probably be the bird with the brightest blue feet because the ladies love me! 

Marquise Wade is a 4th grade scholar at FPCS Blow Pierce.