Packing My Bags and Moving to Dubai

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Story by Marquise Wade. Picture from

Hello Readers!

AUG. 13, 2020: It’s me, Marquise! I’m saddened that my amazing race is about to come to an end, but I’m excited to let you all know that I may have found my future home through this experience. Today, I visited Dubai. Dubai is one of the most luxurious cities in the world and incredibly beautiful.

Inside the Burj Khalifa, are fully loaded apartments with a spacious living space are multiple gyms, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, hot tubs, private lounges, and the world’s largest shopping mall. What attracted me to this apartment most was the view of Dubai from inside the apartment. The view allows you to look over the beautiful city where you can find different landmarks, water, tourists, neighbors, etc.

Now, in order to move into these apartments, I'm going to have to get some things in line so that I’m able to stay in my lavish apartment because the cost of living isn’t cheap. So, I’m going to secure my apartment by securing a good paying job that will allow me to pay the 2K monthly rent. Yes, it costs to be a boss, but with a view and features like the one this one has, it is all worth it.  

Marquise Wade is a 4th grade student at FPCS Blow Pierce.