I Went To the Richest Place in the World

Story by Shyann Jackson. Close up Picture of the palm island.

AUG. 13, 2020: I went to Dubai for a week last week.  It was very interesting. And I got to temporarily live in the palm islands. They’re called that because they are supposed to look like palm trees. But most of the people in Dubai don’t speak English. They have some weird laws based off of the Quran. Like they couldn’t show affection with their significant other in public. And it’s illegal to eat in public during fasting hours.

But they do have cool things too, like islands. For example the palm island. And they have man-made islands. And the World islands have so much sand that it can fill the inspire state-building two and a half times. Plus it is a very rich city. The police cars are Lamborghinis. 

Well, now I know that Dubai is one of the richest and unique cities in the world. But I would definitely visit it again!

Shyann Jackson is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Chamberlain Elementary.